Morning glory is a flower that blooms with morning glory. It is available in Purple, Pink, Red, Blue, White colors that welcome your morning. It is a full sun flower.
Which should be fully drained soil with moisture and acidic soil. The plant matures from seed in 75 to 110 days. Soak the seeds for 24 hours.
Plant the seeds 1/2 inch deep. Seeds germinate in 1 to 3 weeks. The chances of success become 100% brighter with the soaking process. Keep a distance of 4 to 6 inches from plant to plant. The height of the plant goes up to 15 feet.

Choice of Place:
Choose a place in the house where the sun spends most of the time. Why do morning glory seeds need a lot of sunlight to germinate? After planting the seeds, wrap the paneer pot with a plastic cover or else put a stick in the center of the pot and cover the pot like a mosque dome. This process will maintain the moisture for a long time.
Remove the plastic cover the day the first seed bursts through the earth, bringing a smile to your face and a sense of gratitude.

How to care for morning glory?
This flower cools the eyes early in the morning. It also attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Morning glory vines are a beautiful example of low maintenance. As they grow, there is no need for any kind of pruning or cutting of dead heading. Mount the vine by supporting it on a fence net or trellis. Water once a week up to an inch above the soil surface.
Morning glories like compost and tree bark mulch up to 2 inches thick. If you want to get more flowers from Morning Glory, pinch off the old flowers. Morning glory flowers don’t need fertilizer but you can apply herbal syrup in NPK and organic, kitchen compost, egg and banana peels, green belt grass clippings, dry leaf compost once a month to the roots of the plant. Morning glory is attacked by Aphids, Leaf Miner, Fungus, Leaf Spot Fungus and Rust Fungus.